3. Medicine (གསོ་བ་རིག་པ་)

One way to define Buddhism is as a method to transcend suffering. Therefore, the reason for studying medicine is directly related to this intention, albeit with an emphasis on the physical body. Tibetan Medicine draws its main influence from the ancient Indian science of Ayurveda, as well as other healing traditions from surrounding cultures such as China and Persia. While these are influences in terms of methods, what makes Tibetan medicine unique is its strong basis in Buddhist philosophy.  The first Tibetan medicine texts came from Yuthok the Elder. These texts were rediscovered and redacted at the beginning of the first millennium CE and became known as the Four Medical Tantras which now form the basis of all studies of Traditional Tibetan Medicine (TTM). TTM sees the human as a whole interdependent system that when out of balance, manifests disease. Therefore, it is essential to maintain the equilibrium between the body’s three main humors, all of which have physical, energetic as well as mental aspects. This system incorporates methods of diagnosis such as pulse and urine analysis. It also utilizes behavior and dietary recommendations, medicines composed of herbs and minerals, and physical therapies such as Tibetan acupuncture, moxibustion, massage, meditation, etc. Some comprehensive courses are available below. 

Sowa Rigpa Institute of Tibetan Medicine

Sowa Riga Institue, founded by Dr. Nida Chenagtsang, offers comprehensive professional training in Traditional Tibetan Medicine, public workshops and short courses, as well as guided retreats and practices in the Yuthok Nyingthig, the Vajrayana lineage of the Medicine Buddha.

Astrological Reading

We collaborate directly with an experienced Nepalese astrologer who received a traditional Brahmin education, mastering family rituals, grammar, astrology, and other traditional sciences. He has also spent thirteen years of dedicated practice in Kriya yoga within the Lahadi Mahasaya lineage. The last three of these years were spent meditating an average of sixteen hours daily. Following this retreat, he transitioned to primarily assisting individuals through astrology, building upon his innate talent developed since his youth. Enhanced by Kriya practices, he adeptly interprets charts to provide insights into personalities, past life karma, major life challenges, and various life aspects. People have reported positive effects from his prescribed remedies. Over the years, he has analyzed charts for thousands, offering solutions to their everyday challenges, all while instilling faith in the infallible law of karma, cause and effect. Since 2015, he has been an active practitioner of Buddhism, particularly the Nyingma and Sakya traditions. 

The fee for a 1-hour and 15-minute Zoom consultation varies on a sliding scale from 120 to 200 USD.

To schedule a consultation, please contact us via email:


TME Courses

Great selection of online courses on Traditional Tibetan Medicine.

Tibetan Medicine Education Center

This 3-year online course program covers all the main aspects of Tibetan medicine theory, diagnosis and practice in its traditional form, as it also embraces its contemporary explanation, development and application.

Shang Shung Institute

A distance learning four-year Tibetan Medicine Program.

Introduction to Ayurveda free course by Stanford University

Explore Ayurveda’s history and fundamentals with Stanford University. Learn to identify your dosha and balance it for better health.